Tuesday, January 31, 2012

But it hurts so good!

The weeks are ticking away drawing me ever closer to my 1st Marathon. Are the runs getting easier? NO!

I have had a lot of people ask me how to become a runner. I can't help but laugh at this since I really don't consider myself a "runner" still. I guess I think of a runner as someone who just LOVES to run. I still feel pain and anguish when I run.

Can you tell that my 17 mile run left a fun impression on me? Yes I completed the 17 miles, but with a head cold, having had a long and stressful work week and screaming "I hate running!". That isn't a joke, I literally screamed that at Jesse...who lovingly hugged me. Ahhh...the trials of being my coach.

So how do you get yourself up off the couch to train for a marathon? Well first you have to walk before you can run. Get on-line and find a program that has you walk/ jog train so that you can get comfortable running regularly, then you can start thinking about a training schedule.  If you are a goal oriented person like me, I suggest you train for a short race like a 5K and build up to a half marathon. This  will not only keep you running when the excuses are flowing, but also ensure that you enjoy it enough to scare the crap out of yourself with marathon training. I am obviously not a professional athlete, trainer or doctor so this is simply advice from a wino.

One thing about running 17 miles, 8 feels like a picnic! And after running that much, self medicating with a bottle of our dry Rosé of Dolcetto doesn't just seem necessary, but the entire bottle was need to stop the temper tantrum.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!
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