Friday, January 24, 2014


I was going to write about the importance of adding strength training and other activities to your training schedule...but I am so exhausted from a day of skiing that all I can really think about is a giant glass of wine...GIANT glass of wine...

... a beautiful glistening glass of straw colored wine, chilled perfectly. It looks like sunshine captured in a glass, my personal "end of the rainbow". Condensation forming on the sides of the glass as I inhale its incredible aromas of vanilla mingling with lightly toasted nut and juicy ripe peach...ahhhh...

...the warmth of the sofa cradles my tired body. The wine tastes AMAZING...and I close my eyes as the wine courses through me. I truly love wine.

You see, as I said I was going to write about other things, but let's face it, the wine won.

(this post was brought to you today by Vivác Chardonnay)

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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