Saturday, March 1, 2014

Change is Good

Something has changed.

I'm not sure when or how, but like the silent knowing decision of when a relationship is over, it settled inside me. Things are different and I don't know how it happened.

This week I came down with a cold and had to skip 2 runs, this is serious business when training for a race. I did manage to get better in time for my long run and headed out to a favorite spot to run along side a rippling river. The early Spring air was crisp and the light had a golden glow. I ran alone down the empty road and marveled at the beauty around me. I marveled at how good I felt. I marveled at the lack of resistance in my mind and body to the act of running.

Something has changed.

This new cycle of training has been full of strength, confidence and motivation. All my other trainings over the last 4 years have been full of pain, struggle and self doubt. What happened? How did this shift?

I don't know what is different this time or how it happened, but I feel it. I feel it with a calm quite hum deep inside.

Do I actually LIKE running? My relationship with running up till now has been fraught with fighting and anger...and fear. I'm not saying I won't still have days that I hate my run or second guess myself, but the relationship I have had with running is over and it feels sooooo good.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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