Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bat Sh*t Crazy? Maybe, just maybe.

Ahhh...this journey is finally coming to an end. The marathon is only a few days away. The training is behind me and there is nothing left to do but relax and hope for the best come race day. And drink excessive amounts of wine! Hello the race is in Napa!

Over the course of training, what seems to be the most amazing thing is how people respond to us doing this at all. There are the people that are inspired by us and look at us with eyes glossy in respect, as if we had saved their child from a burning building. Others show the look of "wow, I didn't know you were a crazy person" and you know your phone number will magically be lost to this person from here on out. And then there are the people that have no idea what-so-ever about a Marathon and are truly baffled. Some of my personal favorite quotes are:

"What is a marathon? Wait, you actually run that far? WHY?"

"I ran a half marathon. How far is a full marathon?"

"Wow, you REALLY love to run!"

"Are you bat sh*t crazy?!"

"Where did you learn to run?"

"I hope you don't get meningitis."

"Do you think you might win?"

"You are my hero."

"awk! That is disgusting! I hate to run."

I have to say it is pretty remarkable that running long distances can stir up so much for the people around you. In the end, we will see what I have to say about all of this. I am asked repeatedly "What is next?" and the truth is,  I have no clue! Lets see if I make it to the end and what I think about it then. I might think it is the most amazing thing ever, or I could decide that it IS too far to run and that you need to be bat sh*t crazy to do it again!

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!
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1 comment:

  1. Remember to tape. Oh - and everybody cheats when they line up, so unless you like being stuck behind slower runners, you need to cheat when you line up. Good luck and godspeed.
