Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Run Around

Valentine's Day. The Holiday that creates the deep need to consume mass amounts of chocolate and wine. Well it happens to have fallen on my long run day. Being that I am in training (which means I have a sheet of paper barking orders rudely at me) and an avid hater of running, this gave me the perfect excuse NOT to go running. After all shouldn't I "love" myself with a breakfast of chocolate and maybe a morning nap?

Here is the clincher, I may have run this distance before on previous marathon training schedules, but each time it feels new. It is a new year and a new me. You can think of it as the horrifically painful gift that keeps on giving. 

The truth is, skipping running, while appealing, will not make me feel better. Skipping a run will make me feel worse. Not because I feel good while I am running or because I am full of energy after my run, but because I feel like I have accomplished something and on long run days, that something feels huge. It doesn't matter if your long run is 2 miles or 22 miles, running farther, pushes you further than you will ever know.

So, today's Valentine's gift to myself, was a sense of accomplishment...and a box of chocolates...and a bottle of wine. OK, who am I kidding, 2 bottles of wine.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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