Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Once Upon a Butt Kicking

Ever get so fed up with yourself that you decide to kick your own butt? That was me yesterday. I decided that I needed to really rev up my workouts, sorta a punishment for not working out all weekend, yep I am that twisted. I'm like my own wicked witch tormenting the sweet, healthy, fit me hidden deep inside.

Yesterday I got to the gym and instead of my usual lazy approach of warming up with a cup of coffee and a half hour of emails (yes I do do that, don't judge), I hustled into the cardio room and ran on the treadmill for 25 mins. OK I walked and ran...maybe I walked more than I ran. But THEN I took the Power Circuit weight class.

After this thorough butt kicking, I had an "adventurous" work day (that would be code for what-the-hell-is-up-with-this-stupid-day), then made it home in time to clean my house before dinner. It was a day of slaying dragons. By the time I poured a glass of wine I was asleep. No really I closed my eyes for a moment and awoke from a death sleep at midnight. I'm pretty sure I'm a Disney Princess now, you know she falls into a spell bound sleep and something important happens at midnight, oh and she has a rockin body without having to do anything...ever.

What? I said I worked out really hard! Surely one day of kicking my own butt will give me that perfect body right?

After solving all the worlds problems from midnight to 3am (clearly this is my Disney Princess special power, they all have them and since I can't sing and don't have woodland animals coming to my window, I think mine is solving problems in the middle of the night), I arose to a beautiful new day...and one sore body. My boobs even hurt.

Funny how the mind tricks you into thinking one day can radically change your body. How one day can erase a lifetime of cookies. But in truth, one day can make a difference. One day can kick start a new way of being in the world, a way of pushing yourself past what you think you can handle and make you rise to the occasion, be it another day at the gym, or slaying more dragons, or quitting the bad self talk. The biggest adventure every Disney Princess ever faces is defeating that wicked witch.

Cue feel good song sung by a bunny while rainbows arc across the sky. Oh and lets make sure that bunny brings the Princess a glass of wine, she missed her quota last night.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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