Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Horror Story

The Halloween Haze is lifting and revealing the ghastly truth of reality. The reality is that you can not avoid working out, drink booze like a fish and eat candy like you are a child who's strict parents aren't looking without some sad consequences.

As you all know, from my incessant complaining, that I haven't had the drive or will to workout (thank you crazy hormones). My once intense running career seems to be that of yesteryear, but my "running" eating habits have kept up in full swing. Maybe it was the fog of denial, but I actually didn't see the effects...until Halloween.

As if in some cruel Halloween prank, the party photos revealed the truth I was trying to ignore, my weight gain and unhappiness was evident, like a ghost finally revealed in a mirror. Somehow I had been able to hide it, covered it up with clever clothing and make-up, but in the Halloween Horror I could see the change in my face shape, the sadness in my expression and my clothes didn't fit right. It was the scariest of revelations.

Well, after a final look at the Halloween Horror of Facebook photos, I decided things needed to change NOW. I didn't drink wine last night (GASP!!!) and went to bed early. I woke up this morning and hauled my big ass to the gym, sausaged into workout clothes. I worked out really hard (not CrossFit hard, but you have to start somewhere), and had a healthy lunch, no sugar, no wheat, no processed foods. I feel better already.

I remained the same weight for 9 years after having my son and knew as I got older that that would shift, I don't mind that, but this is ridiculous. Screw the hormones, I'm fighting back!

Maybe Halloween is my New Year, a chance to see the scary and make a change. Don't worry, I won't cut out wine entirely, that isn't healthy.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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