Thursday, January 7, 2016

Knowing When to Ask For Help

I've decided that since I have zero motivation and even less willpower, I need professional help. I decided to call in the big guns, my friend Bridget who says her profession is as a personal trainer/ nutritionist, but I am pretty sure she is actually G.I. Jane.

Immediately my friend jumped into action and sent me a daily workout detail and meal plans. She had to send it to me because she lives a safe distance away (6 hours)  in Las Cruces, New Mexico. This woman's body is waaaaayyyy too intimidating to have her train me in person. My cellulite would cry and tremble with despair simply having her in the same room.

I have to admit, I am a wee bit scared...but as you all know from reading this blog over the years, I only seem to accomplish my goals when I am fearing for my life. So, I have been working out (I'm in prep for the scary week next week) and I actually ate tuna fish seasoned with jalapeno, lime juice and pepper, with a side of cucumber slices and carrots. This may sound normal to some of you, but for those that know me well, they will be shocked by this information. The only thing I hate more than tuna fish, is vegetables. Shhhhh... don't tell my son, because I make him eat vegetables. I don't make him eat tuna fish because he literally throws up when he tastes the texture of meat and fish... and I have to clean that up. I should mention that I might, however, actually have a serious allergy to working out, we are looking into it. I feel like I may need extra wine to choke this all down. Oh yes, she is letting me keep my wine. She might be scary in shape, but I am a monster if someone tries to step between me and my wine (imagine the mom saving her baby by lifting the car...only that would be me getting to my wine).

So there you have it, G.I. Jane and I are going to tackle this project and separate my butt from my thighs.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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