After a good long break from training, I have decided to jump back into things. Ironically it is as the weather changes and I find myself running in the bitter cold. My husband finds this amusing since I am notoriously cold...all the time.
I'm not sure why I choose to run in the cold. Perhaps it is that work has finally slowed down or that our son has settled back into school or that the fall leaves are layered across the road and the sky is a shade of blue that inspires painters. The crispness in the cool morning air seems to quicken my step and I feel alive. It really is a beautiful time of year to run. Even if both sets of cheeks are frozen.
Having run my 1st full Marathon this past spring, many would expect that I could jump right back in, sadly that is not the case. I almost had a heart attack running 3 miles. Now I'm wondering if the Taos Turkey Trot 5k is more appropriate for me right now than a half or full Marathon. For some reason, my diet over the last 6 months of bacon, cheese and a mass consumption of wine, has left me shockingly out of shape!
I think I need to ponder my new training goals now while I drink a bottle of our Refosco wine, it goes so nicely with cheese.
After all, I can't let my body go into shock.
-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!
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