Thursday, November 15, 2012

Being Run Down

When training for a difficult race, be it a 5, or 10K,  half marathon or a full Marathon, it is inevitable to feel run down during the training. After the race there is let down and again the inevitable run down...many get ill as a result. Yet running is suppose to be good for you, you are supposedly building up your immune system. So where is the line?

Obviously it is personal, there isn't any set in stone guild. For me, my half marathon, quite literally, almost killed me. Running a full Marathon however was no problem, but Jess was run down and caught a terrible cold. Of course he then ran 53 miles and not only wasn't sore, he never got run down! He is obviously from another planet. Hmmm... I am now picturing that movie "The Astronaut's Wife"...I hope I don't have to zap Jesse with a toaster in a pool of water.

Back to subject...

So, then in turn how is it that work, stress and life in general can regularly run you down? It seems frustrating that if you don't run you can get run down, if you do run, THAT can run you down and if you live in Northern New Mexico, the cars most certainly will run you down.

I see no other choice than to stop doing all types of running, physical, mental, emotional and start drinking more wine. They say 2 glasses of wine a day keeps the Doctor away, so surely that is the cure to being run down. I might have to double that number just to be safe.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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