Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Every Step You Take

"Every step you take...every move you make...I'll be watching you..." you know when you get a song stuck in your head and you have no idea why? I don't think I have heard that 'Police' song in ages.

Ahhh...morning stretch in bed. I briefly consider going for a run. As my mind clears I realize I need coffee and my long day of work ahead needs me to focus. I swing my legs out of bed and onto the floor where I promptly trip over my running shoes stubbing my toe on the bed frame, now I really can't go for a run! Bastard things, what the hell are they doing there anyway?

A couple days later finds me with running shoes on, dressed to hit the road when my mother calls me. I stretch across the bed and chat with her, it is rude not to talk to your mom for at least an hour. As I hang up the phone, I feel the sun shinning in the window warming me. I think about how cold it is outside. I decide a short nap is in order. As I awaken, I see it wasn't such a short nap after all! I guess I'll run tomorrow. I stand up ready to head back to my pile of work and promptly trip over my damned running shoes causing me to fall into the wall and hit my head! Bastard things, what the hell are they doing there anyway! Hey weren't they ON my feet when I laid down?

Another day goes by and I find that every time I walk into my closet, the "running" drawer is more and more a pile of cascading clothes and it rather looks like a face with it's tongue sticking out. Hmmm, odd. It makes me feel too guilty to straighten the running clothes so I close the door to the closet instead. There, all better, out of sight out of mind. And then I trip over my running shoes. Seriously?! What the hell is going on? And when did I end up with so many pairs of running shoes? Isn't one pair enough? I have 4. My husband has 6.

"Every step you take...every move you make...I'll be...TRIPPING YOU" I laugh to myself.

It has now been a week that I haven't 'managed' to get out for a run. Man that really went fast. I decide that I need to at least jump on the dreaded treadmill. I head in to change and see I forgot to finish folding the laundry. Of course you can't just leave the laundry in a pile on the bed...the run will happen after that. Oh and I have to put the laundry in everyone's closets. Hmmm...nothing fits in my "running" drawer anymore.

Once done with my chores, it is dusk, the family is due home soon and I will need to prepare dinner. Ooh and I need a glass of wine. Wow, I seem so domesticated today. Funny I am not nearly this 'domestic' on days I haven't decided to run. As I decide to skip the run, yet again, I hear a crash in the closet taking me back into the bedroom. My "running" drawer has jumped from its hold and landed on the floor exploding clothes everywhere! In the wake of its avalanche, it has managed to take down several pairs of shoes from their near by perch. Guess which shoes? Yep, my running shoes! Now why did my high heels manage to escape the crash? As I stoop to unearth the drawer, a lone final running shoe jumps from its place on the shelf and hits me square on the back of the head.

I have to say, I was furious! "What is with all the passive aggressive attacks? Look running gear, if you have something to say, SAY IT! Oh sure you're quite now, waiting to trip me again? That's it, I'm never running again!"

I stormed out of my closet and slammed the door...completely aware that I am officially a crazy person. I realize this is ridiculous and that I am battling my own resistance to starting on a new training plan. I know this, and yet I swear I hear "Every step you take...every move you make..."echoing from the closet.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!

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