Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Who's the boss?

I admire people running with a dog on a leash, the graceful animal gliding by their side. It looks like the kind of partnership one hopes they will have with "man's best friend" when they adopt that adorable puppy.

Often when I travel to other cities I witness this unity. It always inspires me to take my own beast out for a run. Unfortunately for everyone that lives in the rural communities of New Mexico, leashes are a rarity, thought of more like an act of cruelty "tampering with the animal's true spirit". Evidently that true spirit is to be a total ass. I have only ever found taking my dog on a run results in dog fights with loose muts attacking us or an insane number of near misses as my spastic beast cuts in front of me or lags behind only to jolt forward into the back of my legs.

I tried to leash train (despite the apparent animal cruelty defense) only to spend the entire time fighting ferociously a terrorized animal hell bent on making me dizzy as he wrapped the leash around me and I had to spin quickly undone to avoid catastrophe!

Needless to say, a run with my dog is like a freak show. It is hard to get your heart rate up when you are standing in the middle of the road screaming profanities at an animal.

So, it is to all of you skilled leash runners that I raise a glass of our Dolcetto in a cheers! It is obvious that you are the boss, I evidently am the mere puppet for my beast.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery family!

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