Thursday, March 15, 2012

Are they crazy?

   While we take a break to recover from our last Marathon...or more accurately, take a lazy vacation from running. We look to the future and all the exciting things that lay ahead. Chris is thinking he wants to run Boston which you have to qualify for. This translates to running a marathon in 3:15 JUST so he can go and run another (Boston) Marathon! Jesse has high aspirations as well, he has set his sights on an Ultra Marathon (50 miles) this summer! I think someone might be dumping crazy pills in the water over here.

   On that note, Vivác Winery has just released its first SWEET WINES! Oh yes you read correctly, the notorious dry red winery that has touted "No Sweet Wines" for 13 years, has actually made sweet wines.

   So what is the deal? Did we sell out? Cave to pressure? Run too many Marathons and contract some strange infection of the mind? No, we simply decided to put the additional money and resources needed into the equipment necessary to make a WORLD CLASS sweet wine.

   You might be asking yourself "what's the difference? A sweet wine is a sweet wine." but that isn't true!

   When we started our winery 13 years ago, we were the first to have an entire menu of all dry wines. We felt it was important to take in the bigger picture, be taken seriously in the world of wines, not just in New Mexico. In order to do that, we had to set a precedent, we would not make a doctored, artificially flavored, flabby palate sweet wine. We would only make old world, food friendly, serious dry wines.

   As you can imagine, when we showed up at the local festivals, there was some confusion. Everyone in New Mexico made sweet wines, why didn't we? We had to make a big delineation and fast. Our answer? "No Sweet Wines" banners! This made us easily identifiable to the public and soon we could see there was a real 'thirst' for the dry wines we make. We were off and running and the public loved it! Best of all, the wine world took note. Nationally recognized and visited by International wine makers, Vivác has made a name for itself in the wine Industry and with wine enthusiasts.

   When we could finally dedicate ourselves to the investment of proper equipment to make a dry white wine, we took the plunge adding a Sauvignon Blanc, Dry Rosè and recently a Chardonnay to our list. We wouldn't make a white wine until we could make one properly, one we could be proud of. We have done that.

   Now, not that unlike the stretch to white wines, we have taken on the grand task of making a world class sweeter wine. These wines do not have any sugar or sorbate added. We have simply stopped fermentation prematurely leaving a little of the grape’s natural sweetness in the wine. This means there are no off flavors & the wines still have that wonderful acidity you love from Vivác !

   We present to you the 2010 Riesling and the 2010 Luminosa (Luminescent). The Riesling has only a hint of sweetness with firm acidity making it perfect for dry wine drinkers as well as those that enjoy sweets. The proprietary sweet white blend, Luminosa, is a sweet wine that doesn't fall flat on the palate, but has enough ripe fruit and body to pair with desserts or be a dessert on its own. Try these wines with Spicy dishes, Chinese food or assorted cheeses.

   Sweet wines that have acid backbone and no additions are trickier to make, they require skill and artistry. We promise, you will not be disappointed.

   I think it is safe to say, there is a method to the madness and being a little mad often leads to greatness.  Or death in the case of long distance running.

-Cheers from the Vivác Winery Family!
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